Embarking on a journey towards physical transformation is both exciting and nerve-wracking. At Robey Plastic Surgery, we believe that preparedness is key to making your experience as seamless as possible.
Here are our top tips to ensure a stress-free procedure:
1. Research: Familiarize yourself with the procedure. Knowledge alleviates fear of the unknown. Our team is here to answer all your queries.
2. Physical Prep: Depending on your procedure, it's often recommended to stop certain medications or supplements. Ensure you follow pre-operative instructions about eating, drinking, and medications.
3. Emotional Prep: It's natural to feel a mix of emotions. Talk to someone, whether it's our caring staff, a loved one, or a therapist.
4. Logistics: Arrange for transportation post-surgery. Having someone stay with you for the first 24 hours can be beneficial.
5. Set Up a Recovery Space: Create a comfortable, easily accessible space at home with all the essentials – books, remote, phone, medications, and snacks – within arm’s reach.
6. Stay Positive: A positive mindset can significantly impact your recovery. Visualize the transformative journey ahead.
Remember, our dedicated team at Robey Plastic Surgery is with you every step of the way, ensuring your safety and comfort. Here's to a new chapter and a beautiful transformation!
Many of our images on our website we use stock photos of models not patients. We do have many before and after photo's of real patients.
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